Driver Information Authorization

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please upload a copy of your driver's license that is under 2MB in size.
    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, bmp, png, Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • I hereby authorize Jeff Lowe Plumbing, Heating & A/C to obtain a Department of Motor Vehicles check on my driving record. I understand that my NYS Motor Vehicle driving record will be disclosed to the organization listed above. I further understand that the information provided is personal in nature and authorize its release to the organization listed above. I may not be allowed to drive on behalf of Jeff Lowe Plumbing, Heating & A/C if my motor vehicle record is unsatisfactory in accordance with auto insurance companies underwriting requirements. You also agree and understand that if you become an employee of the above organization, this agreement will allow your employer to request an updated MVR at any time during your employment.

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Jeff Lowe Plumbing, Heating & A/C is an equal employment opportunity employer. We adhere to a policy of making employment decisions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, age or disability. We assure you that your opportunity for employment with Jeff Lowe Plumbing, Heating & A/C depends solely on your qualifications.